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My Favorite Restaurant
“Where would you like to eat?”
When that question comes up, here are some suggestions. You have lots of choices for restaurants with patios in the Sierra Foothills. You have many different cuisines that the Sierra offers. However, you want one that has patio dining.
We are providing a guide to our recommended Sierra favorite restaurants. You can eat outside in quaint patios watching the world go by or in very historical locations that date back to the gold rush era. When you add good food and company together, the experience becomes a delight, from sitting on a side street in a historic town enjoying coffee to visiting the high country to take advantage of the incomparable calm and cool of what the Sierra gold country has to offer.
It's time to start thinking about patio dining. We found that there are many locations in the Sierra Foothills. Patio dining is as individual as the foods served, and every outdoor space offers a slightly different way to enjoy patio dining. The Sierra's patio and deck dining options will keep you busy enjoying the world walking by for a very long time.
In Murphys, several restaurants have an outdoor space that includes an outdoor seating area. On your way to Yosemite National Park, you will find a wide variety of patio dining places with a variety of views. One that combines both history and a sense of adventure is the Priest Station Café in 'Big Oak Flat.
The cafe is perched at the top of Priest Grade and is an excellent patio restaurant with a spectacular view.The property was purchased by Margaret & Alexander Kirkwood in 1853. A few years later, Alexander passed away and left Margaret, a young widow. Margaret remarried William Priest; hence the name Priest Station. Old Priest Station eventually grew into a stagecoach stop and was developed into a 22-building complex at the top of the grade. The station is in its sixth generation of family ownership.