Holly Kovonic - Painter
Holly Kavonic was born in Johannesburg and spent her childhood living in South Africa. Now she resides in the Sierra Mountains of California with her husband.
"My goal is the Renaissance. She paints with a great deal of precision and detail. "I believe that a return to Realism suggests a return to the “unseen truths” such as transcendence, God, spirituality, beauty, natural law, justice, truth, virtue, order, and harmony which I believe Modernism has stripped away."
"For me, abstract reductions of human life and the curtailment of detail, tend to lack the richness of the meaning the human condition holds. I feel that most late modernism art pieces do not always have the power or conviction to move us deeply. Through highlighting, for example, social injustice or cultural strength and prowess, I seek to go beyond this and to find fuller meaning; to display the magnificence of beauty and life itself, by combining deliberative inspirational craftsmanship with a studious and meditative approach.
Holly's Goals
I hope to re-connect with the traditional realist painting practices from the 17th and 19th centuries and apply this rich heritage to a contemporary subject matter, even finding beauty in the grittiness, imperfection and sometimes even squalor of contemporary life throughout different social rankings, different cultures, and different countries. I believe subtle, almost sub-conscious beauty can pervade the most unlikely subject matter - something I see, or rather feel in the weathered statue of an old man, a beauty and nobility in the human spirit that surpasses understanding and defies simple explanation. It is that beauty that I seek to record on canvas.” I aim to create the art that hooks into something deep in our nature”.
For more information on attending this event, please contact Pacific Crest Gallery in the Heavenly Village at 530-541-2325.